Due to low sign-ups, we are postponing our private CQB session for later in the year. We are working with the staff of Plains Airsoft to arrange a date or an alternative event. All players who have paid via PayPal will be refunded in full.
Plains Airsoft Arena is a new, 33000 SqFt indoor venue with multi-story structures. Plains Airsoft will be holding a private game day for NYC Airsoft members only. This is closed door event for mature players who know how to call their hits and play responsibly. There will be less than 60 tickets available and once sold out, no additional slots will be offered.
We will run multiple classic indoor scenarios and maybe a few unexpected twists. Come help inaugurate the East Coasts newest CQB arena that NYC Airsoft helped get started, you'll have a great time and every paid player will receive swag and a chance to win a super-rare, limited edition pistol from Evike.com
Sunday 03/29/2015
12:00 - End (Arena closes at 19:00)
Plains Airsoft Arena
180 Courtright St.
Plains, PA 18705
PAYMENT (Deadline: March 22)
There will be NO walkons for this event. Players will receive paid admission and a raffle ticket.
The first 20 ticket buyers will get 2 extra raffle tickets. The grand prize is a brand new GBB pistol that's not available for sale anywhere anymore so it's super, super rare.
• 350fps limit with .25g BB's for all weapons
• All guns must be capable of semi-only fire
• A pistol side-arm or shotgun
• ANSI rated eyewear with full seal and straps (no shooting glasses or mesh w/o 2ndary eyewear)
• Hard Face Protection for all players (mesh or plastic masks)
• Gloves recommended
• Barrel Condoms for SMGs and rifles (those without condoms will be required to buy them from the field)
• PStars must have semi-fire electronic ROF limiters
Teams are limited to 26 players each.
5th Ave Cav
MultiCam, tan and desert variants
Echo Zulu Street
Woodland, OD and all green variants
Black uniform types will be merged into the team with fewer players.