Operation: Bad Blood is the nation’s largest charity airsoft game held every June in rural Pennsylvania. This year over 500 players attended to help raise money for type-1 diabetes research. 50% of the event proceeds are donated to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). Find out more about this and next year’s events at
SMT Gunpower
This $500 electronic target game and training system (Smart Monitor Target) from Korea and available exclusively in the US at Evike. This is a stand-alone electronic game/training device is an impact sensitive 24” LCD screen that can accurately record BB hits to score and time the shooter.
- Vertical standing monitor
- Adjustable stand, can be made as tall or as short as the shooter would prefer
- Avoid going outside for target practice, practice within the safety of your own home
- Easy to set up and get started
- Various targets to choose from, with up to 6 unique targets
- Test yourself and practice shooting with an individualized scoring system
- BBs resistant screen and sensors ensures reusability
Recommended Airsoft Weapon Specs
- FPS Under 400 (measured with 0.25g BBs)
- BB weight under .30g
- Minimum Distance 6ft
- Semi-Only
The level of complexity to assemble the unit wasn’t quite IKEA level in terms of difficulty. But setting it up the first time was a bit of work. With practice you can get down to about 3-5 minutes. It includes an Allen wrench but I found the screws on the stand to be waaaay tight. Other reviewers have reported similar problem out of the box. I recommend a good ratchet to get them loose. I used a rubber mallet.
Shemaghs/Arab-style head wraps are a simple way to identify and separate forces in a game. Shemagh’s are inexpensive, but here’s a simple way to create a ‘shemagh’ look using a t-shirt. Or you can use it to create a mock ninja-style balaclava look.
T-Shirt Shemagh = knot on top of your head
T-Shirt Ninja = knot behind your head
1. Put your head into the t-shirt but don’t push your head through the neck hole. Position the neck hole in front of your face.

2. Grab the sleeves and tie them into a knot above/behind your head.

3. Secure with your goggles.

4. Allahu Akbar!

Inspired by the video games FALLOUT® and WASTELAND 2®, this event will feature unique rules designed to simulate the experience of leveling up and survival/scrounging in a post-apocalyptic world. Teams will compete to earn donations for their respective charities: The California Academy of Science and the Intrepid Sea Air and Space Museum.
Operation:Wasteland is a sci-fi variant of a MilSim airsoft game. All factions start with limited ammunition and must find extra ammo on the field or trade bottle caps for more from the Caravan or The Merchant. Teams must find RadAway Pills and hoard them in their HQ. The team with the most RadAway Pills at the end of the game will be the winner. Teams may attempt to raid other teams’ HQ for their Pills and supplies.
Available only online at Evike https://www.evike.com/products/11334/
NO tickets will be sold at the field. Bring a copy of your Order Confirmation email as your entrance ticket.
Agenda may vary depending on weather and field conditions
• 08:00 – 09:30 Sign-in / Chrono
• 09:30 – 10:00 Greetings, Briefings, and Group Photos
• 10:00 – 10:30 Initial deployment and faction briefings
• 10:30 – 12:00 Phase I “Level 1”
• 12:00 – 14:00 Phase II “Level Up”
• 14:00 – 16:00 Phase III “Advanced Mode”
• 16:00 – 17:00 Endex and Raffle
Each phase of Operation:Wasteland will have specific rules of engagement and authorized weapons. Each phase will also have tasks, missions and objectives that must be completed before leveling up the phases.
Phase I “Level 1”
Pistols, shotguns, bolt action rifles and muzzle loaded AEGs. Event supplied BLACK BBs only.
Phase II “Level Up”
Magazine fed AEGs permitted. Semi-auto operation. Event supplied BLACK BBs only.
Phase III “Advanced Mode”
Personal BBs and full-auto operation permitted
Phase III will bring the episodes unfolding in Operation:Wasteland to a climax.
There are three distinct teams fighting throughout the Wasteland. Each faction has their own motivations and ideas on how the Wasteland should be explored, and ultimately, conquered. Uniform requirements will be strictly enforced. Vest color does not matter. Team uniforms are defined by shirt/top color and pattern.
The Union
Uniform: MultiCam/Desert Tan/Atacs patterns (NO black vests, rigs, or plate carriers). A paramilitary organization from the Southern section of the Wasteland
The League
Uniform: All green and woodland patterns (NO black vests, rigs, or plate carriers). A survivalist group from the Northwestern section of the Wasteland
The Guild
Uniform: Black and shadow patterns (ANY color vest, rig, or plate carrier). Mercenaries and hired guns from the Northeastern section of the Wasteland
The Tantalum Contract is a MilSim game set in the shadowy world of Private Military Contractors in Africa. This game is for players who can role-play and that can handle more realistic wounding and kill rules. Proceeds from the event will be donated to the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Foundation. Registered players will receive a complimentary raffle ticket with prizes provided by Evike.com
Tickets available at Evike.com
Ask Your Questions and Discuss the event on Facebook
Go to the company pages below to learn about each team. Uniform requirements will be strictly enforced. Each team has its own secure planning group on Facebook. After you have received your wrist tag, please PM your team CO or Embed with the number to get access.
Angle Sino Security
Company website: http://anglosinosecurity.blogspot.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tantalum.ass/
Uniform: Black tops with any pants, PC or Vest, Any color
G.R.D. Enterprises
Company website: http://globalresourcedefense.blogspot.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tantalum.grd/
Uniform: Brown/Desert Camo including UCP/ACU, ABU, and MultiCam NO Black vests or PCs
Company website: http://kievafrikaner.blogspot.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tantalum.kash/
Uniform: Green or Sky (blue) camo NO Black vests or PCs
In the aftermath of an outbreak of Ebola, a third of Congo’s population is dead and the country is in open civil war. The CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control) has put out a bounty for fresh virus samples from the affected regions to try and isolate the new Ebola strain. The country is split into 4 warring factions. Each faction has sent armed medical teams into the hot zone to find the most viral samples.
EMR Event Park
577 Wolf’s Lair Road
New Milford, PA 18834
17:00-20:00 Early chrono and registration
SAT 23 OPBB (Rain or Shine!)
08:00-09:30 Chrono/Sign In
09:30-10:00 Group Photo and Briefing
10:00-11:00 Deployment and Faction Briefing
11:00-17:00 Game On
17:30-18:00 Raffle
SUN 24 Bonus Games
09:00-09:45 Chrono and Wristband check
09:45-10:00 Briefing
10:00-11:30 OP: Dead Blood (see Special Weapon Restrictions)
12:00-14:00 Skirmish games (regular weapons)
$50/per player
13yrs or older unless accompanied by a paid Adult (photo ID proof of age required)
All tickets must be pre-purchased through Evike. Tickets On Sale Spring 2019
Tickets will NOT be sold at the field.
Ticket cancelation/return deadline: June 15, 2019
Reserve Bunkhouses and Camping Sites by contacting EMR. Be aware of all EMR regulations and deposit requirements. Reserve online http://emrpaintball.com/lodging
The EMR is a full-service paintball field and offers free air fills for OPBB players running P* and HPA powered guns. Tournament locks on regulators required. https://tinyurl.com/hpalocks
EMR sells all required safety gear and Jakal Airsoft will be offering airsoft guns and tactical gear for sale as well as BBs and green gas.
Players must bring all of these required items to sign-in. Players lacking any item or wearing incorrect camo will NOT be allowed to play. No exceptions.
FPS LIMITES will be strictly enforced with spot checks during the game.
• Bio-BB’s ONLY
• 400fps w/ .25g BB limit for semi-automatic and full-auto guns
• 500fps w/ .25g BB limit for bolt-action rifles
• 30rps maximum ROF for all guns
• P-Stars and HPA powered guns must have external TOURNAMENT locks that cover their adjustment valve and are zip-tied. Tape or zip-ties through regulator holes will no longer be accepted. ie.https://tinyurl.com/hpalocks
• Full-Seal goggles with retention (No shooting glasses)
• No mesh goggles without secondary eye protection
• All players must wear face protection: cloth, mesh, neoprene, or plastic
• All players must wear ear protection: cloth, hats, helmets, goggle straps, or mesh
• Barrel Condom/Blockers for all rifles (plugs, socks and gloves are not sufficient)
• Red “dead” rag
• Nametape or duct tape with your name/callsign on your vest or helmet
• >2 quarts water/hydration
• Boots (sturdy footwear recommended with ankle support)
• Watch/Timepiece
• Players must present valid photo ID if asked
• Printed copy of Evike Receipt or Order Confirmation Email
• Filled out and print copy of EMR/Evike waiver
• FRS/GMRS radios (for emergency signaling)
• No player will be allowed on field without an OPBB wristband (issued at sign-in)
Only Sport Smoke® brand markers may be used during the game. Markers may NOT be used inside buildings/forts
• Pyrotechnic grenades
• Pea grenades
ZOMBIE GAME (See Player Packet for complete restrictions)
• 333fps w/ .25g BB. all guns are restricted to Semi-Only fire
• Pistols, shotguns, springers rifles, and AEPs only
• AEGs, HPA rifles and melee weapons are prohibited
Uniform will be strictly enforced. Team uniforms are defined by color and pattern. Players may generally wear any color/camo vest, helmet or harness but Black Shirts should avoid wearing green and Green’s Army should avoid wearing black. No hunting camo
The Black Shirts
Uniform: Black tops with any color/pattern pants
Background: Internal Security forces for former President Mobutu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBBlackShirts
Green’s Army
Uniform: Any green camo or solid green uniform with matching camo pants
Background: Troops of the Congo Defense Forces loyal to General Green and the Private Security Forces of the Minister of Finance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBGreens
Marxist Taskforce
Uniform: Solid tan or any desert camo including UCP/ACU (no ‘Transitional’ camo types ie. Multicam)
Background: Marxist guerrillas and “troops from socialist members of the African Union
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBMarxists
Deus X
Uniform: Matching transitional camo tops and pants: Multicam, Kryptek Mandrake or ATACs-fg tops. No solid tan tops/sleeves.
Background: Armed militia of a Congolese Christian sect
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBDeusX
Tribal Militia (NPC team)
Uniform: Civilian plaid or Hawaiian printed shirts (except red, orange or yellow) with any type pants
Background: Farmers, deserters and regional militias defending their villages from potentially infected outsiders.
This is an INVITE only OPFOR team. Players must contact Phridum or Moondog to request to join.
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBTribal
Evike.com is coming to the East Coast to hold their annual customer appreciation game, co-produced by Moondog Industries and EMR. A portion of the event proceeds will be donated the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund).
For all game and pre-registration information/inquiries please contact badbloodstaff@groups.facebook.com
$45/pp pre-order Only. No walk-on tickets will be sold on field
The Contract Series is for players who enjoy role-play, realistic wounding and kill rules, and mission objectives go beyond getting ‘moar kills’. Mature and honorable players only. Choose 1 of 3 factions. This exciting event will take place at an insured & sanctioned Airsoft park for a day of controlled and organized fun! Tantalum Contract 8 features heavy trigger time in an objective oriented scenario. It is a battle for a cause and is made possible by the responsible and awesome Airsofters like yourself!

“This is why we can’t have nice things…”
While many experienced and honorable players use and play airsoft with HPA guns without any issues, our sport’s worst cheaters and malicious players are drawn to any mechanical advantage that allows them to lord it over other players. HPA guns allow a user the ability to easily adjust the FPS and ROF of their guns after chrono testing. HPA gun’s electronic triggers allow them very responsive semi-auto fire, to the point, that they can effectively fire as fast as full-auto guns. Our only other option is to completely ban HPA guns (which some Milsim producers have done). We hope it doesn’t come to that.
Evike.com is coming to the East Coast to hold their annual customer appreciation game, co-produced by Moondog Industries and EMR. A portion of the event proceeds will be donated the Leukemia Lymphoma Society and the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund).
In the aftermath of an outbreak of Ebola, a 1/3 of Congo’s population is dead and the country is in open civil war. The CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control) has put out a bounty for fresh virus samples from the affected regions to try and isolate the new Ebola strain. The country is split into 4 warring factions. Each faction has sent armed medical teams into the hot zone to find the most viral samples. For update INTEL briefings, go to our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/176114179656848/
• Sunday Flea Market (players may sell gear)
• Dead Blood weapons restrictions further detailed (see Player Packet)
• Additional stationary spawn locations
• 30% larger game AO (Area of Operations)
• HPA guns must have external zip tied Tournament locks (taped over or zip ties directly on regs will no longer be accepted)
EMR Event Park
577 Wolf’s Lair Road
New Milford, PA 18834
Operation Schedule
17:00-20:00 Early chrono and registration
08:00-09:30 Chrono/Sign In
09:30-10:00 Group Photo and Briefing
10:00-11:00 Deployment and Faction Briefing
11:00-17:00 Game On
17:30-18:00 Raffle
SUN 24 Bonus Games
09:00-09:45 Chrono and Wristband check
09:45-10:00 Briefing
10:00-11:30 OP: Dead Blood (see Special Weapon Restrictions)
12:00-14:00 Skirmish games (regular weapons)
$49/per player
13yrs or older unless accompanied by a paid Adult (photo ID proof of age required)
All tickets must be pre-purchased through Evike.
Tickets will NOT be sold at the field. http://www.evike.com/
Ticket cancelation/return deadline: June 15, 2018
Bunk houses and Camping Sites through EMR. Be aware of all EMR regulations and deposit requirements. Reserve onlinehttp://emrpaintball.com/lodging
The EMR is a full-service field and offers free air fills for OPBB players running P* and HPA powered guns. Tournament locks on regulators required. https://tinyurl.com/hpalocks
Smok’n Jay’s BBQ will be offering delicious meals for sale, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, including hot breakfast, lunch and dinners.
EMR sells all required safety gear and Jakal Airsoft will be offering airsoft guns and tactical gear for sale as well as BBs and green gas.
Players must bring all of these required items to sign-in. Players lacking any item or wearing incorrect camo will NOT be allowed to play. No exceptions.
FPS LIMITES will be strictly enforced with spot checks during the game.
• 400fps w/ .25g BB limit for semi-automatic and full-auto guns
• 500fps w/ .25g BB limit for bolt-action rifles
• 30rps maximum ROF for all guns
• Bio-BB’s ONLY
• P-Stars and HPA powered guns must have external TOURNAMENT locks that cover their adjustment valve and are zip-tied. Tape or zip-ties through regulator holes will no longer be accepted. ie.https://tinyurl.com/hpalocks
• Full-Seal goggles with retention (No shooting glasses)
• No mesh goggles without secondary eye protection
• All players must wear face protection: cloth, mesh, neoprene, or plastic
• All players must wear ear protection: cloth, hats, helmets, goggle straps, or mesh
• Barrel Condom/Blockers for all rifles (socks and gloves are not sufficient)
• Red “dead” rag
• Nametape or duct tape with your name/callsign on your vest or helmet
• >2 quarts water/hydration
• Field rations (bring your own food)
• Boots (sturdy footwear recommended with ankle support)
• Watch/Timepiece
• Players must present valid photo ID if asked
• Printed copy of Evike Receipt or Order Confirmation Email
• Filled out and print copy of EMR/Evike waiver
• FRS/GMRS radios (for emergency signaling)
• No player will be allowed on field without an OPBB wristband (issued at sign-in)
Only Sport Smoke® brand markers may be used during the game. Markers may NOT be used inside buildings
• Pyrotechnic grenades
• Pea grenades
ZOMBIE GAME (See Player Packet for complete restrictions)
• 333fps w/ .25g BB. all guns are restricted to Semi-Only fire
• Pistols, shotguns, springers rifles, and AEPs only
• AEGs, HPA rifles and melee weapons are prohibited
Uniform will be strictly enforced. Team uniforms are defined by color and pattern. Players may generally wear any color/camo vest, helmet or harness but Black Shirts should avoid wearing green and Green’s Army should avoid wearing black. No hunting camo
The Black Shirts
Uniform: Black tops with any color/pattern pants
Background: Internal Security forces for former President Mobutu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBBlackShirts
Green’s Army
Uniform: Any green camo or solid green uniform with matching camo pants
Background: Troops of the Congo Defense Forces loyal to General Green and the Private Security Forces of the Minister of Finance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBGreens
Marxist Taskforce
Uniform: Solid tan or any desert camo including UCP/ACU (no ‘Transitional’ camo types ie. Multicam)
Background: Marxist guerrillas and “troops from socialist members of the African Union
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBMarxists
Deus X
Uniform: Matching transitional camo tops and pants: Multicam, Kryptek Mandrake or ATACs-fg tops. No solid tan tops/sleeves.
Background: Armed militia of a Congolese Christian sect
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBDeusX
Tribal Militia (NPC team)
Uniform: Civilian plaid or Hawaiian printed shirts (except red, orange or yellow) with any type pants
Background: Farmers, deserters and regional militias defending their villages from potentially infected outsiders.
This is an INVITE only OPFOR team. Players must contact Phridum or Moondog to request to join.
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBTribal
For all game and pre-registration information/inquiries please contact badbloodstaff@groups.facebook.com or post on our Feacebook page:https://www.facebook.com/events/176114179656848/
The Tantalum Contract is a MilSim game set in the shadowy world of Private Military Contractors in Africa. This game is for players who can role-play and that can handle more realistic wounding and kill rules. Proceeds from the event will be donated to the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Foundation. Registered players will receive a complimentary raffle ticket with prizes provided by evike.com
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Cobra One Tactical
330 US-46, Great Meadows,
NJ 07838
All tickets must be pre-purchased at Evike.com. No walk-on ticket purchase at the field. Deadline for refund November 1, 2017. Like a music concert or sporting event, there are no refunds for no-shows (your ticket purchase will be donated to the charities so you did a good deed). TICKETS HERE
Free for Active-Duty Heroes
Active-Duty military, law-enforcement and firefighters get $20 off admission with photo ID proof of active-duty status. Pre-Registration required. Contact Ian Conolly or Thomas MOONDOG DelMundo III on Facebook for validation.
ALL PLAYERS must be16yrs or older
• 500fps w/.25g Limit for bolt-action sniper rifles (100ft safety distance)
• 400fps w/.25g Limit for all other guns
• ROF limit 30rps
• MidCap magazines recommended
• Box magazines are only allowed on realistic replicas of Squad Automatic Weapons systems (eg. M249, RPK, etc.)
• HiCap magazines may be used following Phridum’s HiCap Rule
• Full seal goggles ANSI Z87.1 rated with elastic retention (no shooting glasses or mesh goggles permitted)
• Face and Ear protection required of ALL PLAYERS:
-Under 18: Hard masks required (mesh mask or plastic)
– Over 18: Cloth or Hard masks required (balaclava, shemagh, bandana, neoprene, mesh, or plastic)
• Red Rag
• Hydration
• Food/Rations
• FRS/GMRS Radio
Strongly recommended that you bring:
• Digital camera, video cam, or camera equipped cell-phone
Go to the company websites (below) to learn about each team. Uniform requirements will be strictly enforced. Each team has its own secure planning group on Facebook. After you have received your wrist tag, please PM your team CO or Embed with the number to get access.
Angle Sino Security
Company website: http://anglosinosecurity.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tantalum.ass/
Uniform: Black tops with any pants any color vest
G.R.D. Enterprises
Company website: http://globalresourcedefense.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tantalum.grd/
Uniform: Brown/desert camo including UCP/ACU, ABU, and MultiCam. No black vests.
Company website: http://kievafrikaner.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tantalum.kash/
Uniform: Green or Sky (blue) camo. No black vests.
For more information about the event or ask questions about the event, join the Tantalum 7 Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/116371682361201