Operation Bad Blood East 2016: Evike East Coast Fan Appreciation Milsim Event
Join us for Evike.com’s annual East Coast customer appreciation game, produced by NYC Airsoft and Moondog Industries. Evike.com will be bringing prizes and swag to all of the players. This is a MilSim style non-stop game where players can expect to play with an organized fighting force until the end of the game. This year a portion of the proceeds will go to support the Leukemia Lymphoma Society and the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). For all game play and pre-registration information /inquires please contact badbloodstaff@groups.facebook.com or post your questions on the OP: Bad Blood 2016 Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/225708144432894/
• Reducing game to 4 factions + Tribal
• Reducing headcount to 850 players for better play experience
• Each faction is given 2 additional fixed respawn locations plus their mobile Triage
• Each faction now has 10 sample collectors
• Bonus sample held by team CO’s (players must take opposing Faction CO’s to claim it)
• No end of game pizza (we’re lowering ticket prices $5 instead)
• No all-team big brawl
• Longer game time (6hrs)
Op. Bad Blood is an non-profit fan appreciation annual Airsoft gaming event sponsored by Evike.com and our sponsors. This exciting event will take place at an insured & sanctioned Airsoft park for a day of controlled and organized fun! Op. Bad Blood features heavy trigger time, raffles, it is a battle for a cause and is made possible by the responsible and awesome Airsofters like yourself! Lets get out and play Airsoft!
In the aftermath of an outbreak of Ebola, a third of Congo’s population is dead and the country is in open civil war. The country is split into 6 warring factions. The CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control) has put out a bounty for fresh virus samples from the effected regions to try and isolate the new ebola strain. Each of faction has sent armed medical teams into the hot zone in the tribal territories to find them.
Saturday, June 25, 2016 OP:Bad Blood
Sunday, June 26, 2016 Experimental Scenarios
Paintball Sports
1 Paintball Way
Plattekill, NY 12528
(845) 691-1979
Purchase Ticket Link: http://www.evike.com/search/?search_in_description=1&sort=3a&keywords=2016east&x=0&y=0
Forces: 4 Forces
Player Max: 200 Per Force
Field Admission Cost: $45.00 Regular (Deadline May 1, 2016)
No field-payments accepted. All tickets must be purchased online at Evike.com. This event made possible by our sponsors and Evike.com. Admission cost is “below cost” as part of our effort to make this event a true “fan appreciation”! Event admission is non-refundable after June 15, 2016.
Event Fee Includes:
- Field Entry
- Complimentary Sunday games
- Event Wristband/Raffle Ticket
- Velcro IFF Op. Bad Blood event patch (event patch will be provided at the field)
- Donation to JDRF and LLS
- Players WILL NOT be mailed a physical player packet for this event
A PDF player packet link will be emailed to you 1 week before the event. You may download the player packet from Evike.com No physical materials will be mailed to you.
15:00-19:30 Players may chrono on Friday before the game to avoid the lines the next morning
08:00-09:30 Sign-in and Gun Chrono and Patch/Swag Distribution
09:30-10:00 Photo Op & Morning Safety Briefing
10:00-11:00 Deployment, Team organization and Individual Team Briefings
11:00-17:00 Game On
17:30-18:00 Raffle
09:00-10:00 Sign-in/Chrono
10:00-14:00 Scenario games
Uniform requirements will be strictly enforced. Teams are defined by shirt type, pattern and color. Vest color does not matter. Player cap of 200 players per team. Players may NOT wear yellow, orange or red clothing. Join your faction’s Facebook Group to organize your team and answer game questions.
The Black Shirts
Uniform: Black tops with any color/pattern pants
Background: Internal Security forces for former President Mobutu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBBlackShirts
Green’s Army
Uniform: Any green camo or solid colored uniform
Background: Troops of the Congo Defense Forces loyal to General Green and Private Security Forces of the Minister of Finance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBGreens
Marxist Taskforce
Uniform: Any Tan/Desert camo or solid colored uniform (except for MultiCam and similar ‘Transitional’ camo)
Background: Socialist guerrillas and African Union expeditionary forces
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBMarxists
Deus X
Uniform: MultiCam and transitional camo patterns including: Kryptek Mandrake or ATACs-fg tops with matching pants
Background: Armed militia of a Congolese Christian sect
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBDeusX
Tribal Militia (NPC team)
Uniform: Civilian plaid or Hawaiian printed shirts (except red, orange or yellow) with any type pants
Background: Farmers, regional police defending their villages from potentially infected outsiders. Reports of deserters from factions (in full uniform) joining their home tribe are filtering out of the conflict zone.
This is an INVITE only OPFOR team. Players must contact Headkill or Moondog to request to join.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBTribal
$5.00 parking surcharge will be levied at the parking entrance for vehicles over 20ft and for cars with only 1 occupant. So carpool with a buddy. - Please show up in the correct uniform with a print-out of your Evike.com order email as proof-of-purchase.
- Bring spare battery, hydration, spare Airsoft gun and boots with strong ankle support. (See even check list for more info on recommended gear.)
- Air Fills – The PSI is a full service paintball field and offers free air fills for OPBB players running P* and external tank powered guns. Tournament locks or locking regulators required.
There are a limited number of camp spots and must be reserved with PSI (the field). Follow this link to request a reservationhttp://paintballsportsny.com/index.php?m=camping
Additional Information
For all game play and pre-registration information /inquires please contact badbloodstaff@groups.facebook.com or post your questions on the OP:Bad Blood 2016 Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/225708144432894/