OPBB 2017


Evike.com is coming to the East Coast to hold their annual customer appreciation game, co-produced by Moondog Industries and EMR. A portion of the event proceeds will be donated the Leukemia Lymphoma Society and the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund).

In the aftermath of an outbreak of Ebola, a third of Congo’s population is dead and the country is in open civil war. The country is split into 6 factions. The CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control) has put out a bounty for fresh virus samples from the effected regions to try and isolate the new Ebola strain. Each faction has sent armed medical teams into the hot zone to find them. For update INTEL briefings, go to Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/243610459413419/


  • Bigger, brand new AO at EMR Paintball
  • 500fps sniper-rifles must be bolt-action (no semi-auto guns above 400fps)

June 10, 2015 OP:Bad Blood (Rain or shine)
June 11, 2015 Project Blender mini-games including OP:Dead Blood (zombies!)

EMR Paintball
577 Wolf’s Lair Road
New Milford, PA 18834


15:00-19:00 Players may chrono tag their guns on Friday to allow them to head straight to Sign-In on Saturday morning

08:00-09:30 Sign-in and Gun Chrono and Patch/Swag Distribution
09:30-10:00 Photo Op & Morning Safety Briefing
10:00-11:00 Deployment, Team organization and Individual Team Briefings
11:00-17:00 Game On
17:30-18:00 Raffle

09:00-10:00 Sign-in/Chrono
10:00-14:00 Scenario games


  • Bring all guns to chrono (including backup guns) for tagging
  • Print out of Proof of Purchase E-mail from Evike.com
  • Fill out and print copy of EMR/Evike online waiver http://nycairsoft.com/frontpage/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/2016-WAIVER-MOONDOG2.pdf
  • All required safety gear: goggles, radio, red rags, etc.


Bunk houses and Camping Sites available. Reservations required. Contact EMR for details http://emrpaintball.com/lodging/


The EMR is a full service paintball field and offers free air fills for OPBB players running P* and external tank powered guns. Tournament locks or locking regulators required.

Uniform requirements will be strictly enforced. Team uniforms are defined by color and pattern. Vest color does not matter.

The Black Shirts

Uniform: Black tops with any color/pattern pants

Background: Internal Security forces for former President Mobutu

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBBlackShirts

Green’s Army 

Uniform: Any green camo or solid colored uniform

Background: Troops of the Congo Defense Forces loyal to General Green and Private Security Forces of the Minister of Finance

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBGreens

Marxist Taskforce

Uniform: Any Tan/Desert camo or solid colored uniform (except for MultiCam and similar ‘Transitional’ camo)

Background: Marxist guerrillas and African Union expeditionary forces

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBMarxists

Deus X 

Uniform: MultiCam and transitional camo patterns including: Kryptek Mandrake or ATACs-fg tops with matching pants

Background: Armed militia of a Congolese Christian sect

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBDeusX

Tribal Militia (NPC team)

Uniform: Civilian plaid or Hawaiian printed shirts (except red, orange or yellow) with any type pants

Background: Farmers, regional police defending their villages from potentially infected outsiders. Reports of deserters from factions (in full uniform) joining their home tribe are filtering out of the conflict zone.

This is an INVITE only OPFOR team. Players must contact Headkill or Moondog to request to join.

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPBBTribal


For all game play and pre-registration information /inquires please contact badbloodstaff@groups.facebook.com or post on our Feacebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/225708144432894/


Players must bring all of these required items to sign-in. Players lacking any item will NOT be allowed to play. No exceptions.

FPS limits will be strictly enforced with spot checks during the game

400fps w/ .25g BB limit for full-auto capable weapons

500fps w/ .25g BB limit for bolt-action and fixed semi-only weapons

333fps w/ .25g BB limit for Sunday zombie game: pistols, shotgun, springers only
• P-Stars and HPA powered guns must be equipped TOURNAMENT/EMR locks

Full-Seal goggles with retention (No shooting glasses)

No mesh goggles without secondary eye protection

ALL PLAYERS must wear face protection: mesh, neoprene, or plastic airsoft masks or PB masks

Barrel Condom/Blockers for all rifles (socks and gloves do not count)

Red “dead” rag

Nametape with your name/callsign or duct tape with written callsign on your vest or helmet

>2 quarts water/hydration

Field rations (bring your own food)

Boots (sturdy footwear recommended with ankle support)


Players must present valid photo ID if asked

• Printed copy of Evike Receipt or Order Confirmation Email

• Fill out and print copy of EMR/Evike waiver http://nycairsoft.com/frontpage/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/2016-WAIVER-MOONDOG2.pdf

  FRS/GMRS Radios are required of ALL players

Pea grenades, fuse lit smoke grenades, and pyrotechnic grenades are PROHIBITED

• No player will be allowed on field without an OPBB EMR wristband (issued at Saturday sign-in)


• Pyrotechnic grenades

Pea grenades

• Smoke grenades (the field will determine if the field conditions will allow for the use of smoke grenades)

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