Inspired by the video game series, FALLOUT®, this event will feature unique rules designed to simulate the experience of leveling up and survival/scrounging in a post-apocalyptic world. In honor of Veteran’s Day each team will compete to earn donations for … Continue reading
Category Archives: Airsoft News
Imagine the move “Predator” set in the mountains of Central Asia. This is MilSim airsoft game with a sci-fi twist. This game is organized by NYC Airsoft to raise donations for the military veteran organization, Team Rubicon. All players will … Continue reading
700 players came together on Saturday, May 18 to attend OP: Bad Blood, making it the largest airsoft event ever held in the Northeast. OPBB is the annual fundraising event organized by Moondog Industries and NYC Airsoft to raise money … Continue reading
Operation Bad Blood 2013 : Evike East Coast Fan Appreciation Game is coming to the East Coast to hold their annual customer appreciation game, sponsored by Moondog Industries, NYC Airsoft, PSI and 30+ Airsoft manufactures. We’ll be bringing a … Continue reading
Airsoft CARES highlights video on YouTube: AIRSOFT CARES After Action Report by Moondog NEW YORK November 17, 2012 – Airsoft players in the Northeast are a very dispersed community but Hurricane Sandy affected us all. In the days immediately after the … Continue reading
(C)QB (A)ID (RE)COVER for (S)ANDY NYCAirsoft along with CQB fields across the Tri-State are organizing a day of airsoft to benefit the victims of Hurricane Sandy. These fields will be donating a portion of their field fees to the Red … Continue reading
NYC Airsoft organizes C.A.R.E.S : Tri-State fundraising effort for Hurricane Sandy Relief (UPDATE) November 10, 2012 Airsoft C.A.R.E.S (C)QB (A)id (RE)lief for (S)andy raises money for Hurricane Sandy charities NEW YORK – NYC Airsoft and airsoft fields in New York, … Continue reading