Operation: Bad Blood is the nation’s largest charity airsoft game held every June in rural Pennsylvania. This year over 500 players attended to help raise money for type-1 diabetes research. 50% of the event proceeds are donated to the JDRF … Continue reading
SMT GunpowerThis $500 electronic target game and training system (Smart Monitor Target) from Korea and available exclusively in the US at Evike. This is a stand-alone electronic game/training device is an impact sensitive 24” LCD screen that can accurately record … Continue reading
Shemaghs/Arab-style head wraps are a simple way to identify and separate forces in a game. Shemagh’s are inexpensive, but here’s a simple way to create a ‘shemagh’ look using a t-shirt. Or you can use it to create a mock ninja-style balaclava … Continue reading
ABOUT Inspired by the video games FALLOUT® and WASTELAND 2®, this event will feature unique rules designed to simulate the experience of leveling up and survival/scrounging in a post-apocalyptic world. Teams will compete to earn donations for their respective charities: … Continue reading
The Tantalum Contract is a MilSim game set in the shadowy world of Private Military Contractors in Africa. This game is for players who can role-play and that can handle more realistic wounding and kill rules. Proceeds from the event … Continue reading
INTEL In the aftermath of an outbreak of Ebola, a third of Congo’s population is dead and the country is in open civil war. The CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control) has put out a bounty for fresh virus samples … Continue reading
DATE SAT, JULY 2 TICKETS $45/pp pre-order Only. No walk-on tickets will be sold on field http://nycairsoft.com/frontpage/tickets/ LOCATION On Target Paintball 35 Sheep Pen Hill Rd, Pemberton, New Jersey 08068 ABOUT The Tantalum Contract is a MilSim game set in the … Continue reading
HPA TOURNAMENT LOCK REQUIRED FOR ALL NYC AIRSOFT EVENTS All players who wish to run HPA powered guns must own and come equipped with specialized tournament locks that completely cover their regulator and are zip-tied shut (by us) to prevent … Continue reading
ABOUT Evike.com is coming to the East Coast to hold their annual customer appreciation game, co-produced by Moondog Industries and EMR. A portion of the event proceeds will be donated the Leukemia Lymphoma Society and the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund). … Continue reading
ABOUT The Tantalum Contract is a MilSim game set in the shadowy world of Private Military Contractors in Africa. This game is for players who can role-play and that can handle more realistic wounding and kill rules. Proceeds from the … Continue reading